The Hidden Manali

Ticked off a lot of firsts recently! First solo trip! First trip to Manali! First time I saw snow!!

Manali is the most famous tourist destination in the Himachal. Unsurprisingly, it remains crowded with tourists all the year round. This becomes a hassle for many travelers who just want to be in solitude with the mountains. However, if you just look beyond the crowded markets and the throngs of hotels, you can discover a whole new world. There is a reason why Manali has been a tourist favorite for many years. That is because Manali's natural beauty is unparalleled and undeniable. One only needs to look at the right place. So, lets's take a dive into this hidden Manali.

1. Dungri Van Vihar 


Last day in Manali...I grudgingly trudged to the very famous, very touristy Hadimba Temple. I had nothing else to do and I thought I might as well see what all the fuss was about. Never did I imagine that I was going to spend the most magical afternoon of the trip! ❤️❤️❤️

Right next to the temple is a Forest Park...of sorts...with just the most gigantic conifers I've ever seen! It was like entering a mysterious land.The sun weaved through the trees, making a moving pattern of light and shadows. I chose a sunlit patch of grass, sat down and just watched...
There were honeymooning couples all around. But the good thing about couples is that they are oblivious to anyone else. For the first a very long time... felt peace. I watched how the sunlight moved across the grass, turning everything emerald. I watched the leaves reflect the light like a broken mirror. I watched the sky shatter in pieces by the canopy above. .
Soon the sun moved on and it became freezing cold. But I stood up and sat back down multiple times, reluctant to leave.

2. Manali nature park

A beautiful hidden fairy forest. Wedged between the road and the Mansalu river. I almost missed out on it because it seemed deserted. But locals use it all the time. I mean, what would anyone prefer? Walking on the main road, breathing the vehicle fumes or wandering under the giant pines? The park is also a shortcut to the main market. The river flows right beside it and so it also makes a great sport for a picnic. There is well-laid out cobbled stone trail so no worries of getting lost either. Walking here, I often lost track of time and found myself in the hustle and bustle of main market in no time.

3. Old Manali


Loved walking past this gorgeous tree every morning in Manali. It was right outside my hostel. Don't they say, "The best things in life are free"!❤️❤️❤️
This is the great thing about staying in Old Manali. And if you are appreciate the simple pleasures in life, then treasures abound at every turn. It could just be a clear sky with glorious sunshine. Or a chat with the local villagers. Or a golden tree in the middle of the street! Take your pick!

Old Manali is littered with secret gems like this traditional house of kath kuni architecture. Though main Manali has become a concrete jungle like many other hill stations, Old Manali has still maintained it's charm. As soon as you leave the cafe trail and hike up from Manu temple, you will come across many villages and people going about their daily lives.
Manali is unique in the sense that it wasn't developed by the British like Shimla or Dalhousie. Hence, instead of Colonial architecture, one can see the traditional kath kuni architecture in villages. It consists of laying alternate layers of stone and wood. The wood used is Deodar/Kali wood which is commonly available. Slate, is used as a water proofing roofing material, employed to protect the building from heavy rain and snowfall.

The walls are almost two feet thick in dimension and act as a cavity wall. The cavity wall of every outer course of wood/stone is filled with smaller stones within. They act as insulation fillers between the outer layers. Perfect for those bone chilling winters! 

4. Hadimba Temple


Visited the Hadimba Devi Temple. A great way to spend an afternoon, albeit a little touristy. Ok. A lot touristy!

There are millions of stalls selling souvenirs, photographers ,and local aunties who will keep asking you to try the traditional garb or pet their rabbit. Yes, that's right. Pet a rabbit! Of course, in exchange for some money. I am very interested to know how that started in the first place!!

Anyway...I decided to visit anyway for the temple is super unique. First up, it's dedicated to Bhima's Rakshasa wife Hadimba! I haven't heard of any other temple dedicated to her! (Bhima is one of the pandavas in Mahabharata.FYI)

Secondly, it's architecture is also very impressive - three square roofs covered with timber tiles and a fourth brass cone-shaped roof at the top. I wonder if that was inspired by the Buddhist Pagodas. The temple is built over a huge rock jutting out of the ground which was worshiped as an image of the deity. .

And lastly, many small details that make it even more unique.
Like a rope hangs down in front of the rock, and according to a legend, in bygone days religious zealots would tie the hands of "sinners" by the rope and then swing them against the rock!!! 
Also the temple walls are adorned with animal horns for some reason! Sacrificial rituals?

5. Jogni Waterfall


Hiking to jogni waterfalls is easily one of the best things to do in Manali! ❤️❤️❤️
And it doesn't hurt that it is free! Just take the narrow lane left of vashisht temple,
walk through narrow windy paths surrounded by apple orchards, lose your way multiple times...,
Get saved by cheerful pahadi aunties,
Scamper down the slopes like a mountain goat and Voila! You're there! 

Well maybe that was just my experience. Not everyone would be as clueless. 😂
Seriously, u don't need a guide and don't listen to the people who say you do! .
Plus there can be worse things in the world than getting lost in the apple orchards in the mountains!

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